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JEE Main 2021 Exam Pattern and Syllabus


JEE Main 2021 Exam Pattern and Syllabus

NTA has started the application process for JEE Main 2021 exam. Students who are interested can apply from December 16 2020 and the last date is January 16, 2021. This year JEE Main 2021 will be held four time that is in February, March, April and May 2021. Due to COVID situation, some special changes has been made in the exam pattern of the examinations however JEE Main 2021 syllabus has been left untouched.

JEE Main 2021 Exam Pattern and Syllabus

The number of questions that used to come in JEE Main earlier will remain unchanged but all students appearing for JEE Main 2021 will need to attempt 75 questions out of 90 or 25 out of questions 30 in each section of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. Earlier, students have no choice of attempting questions. The examination will be of 3 hours.

JEE Main 2021 Exam Pattern for B.E/ B.Tech students

SubjectNumber of QuestionsMarks Allotted
Mathematics20 MCQs and 10 Numerical Questions100
Physics20 MCQs and 10 Numerical Questions100
Chemistry20 MCQs and 10 Numerical Questions100
Total90 Questions (75 Questions need to be Answered)300

• Section A contains 20 MCQs for each subject while Section B contains 10 numerical questions for each subject out which 5 must be attempted by students.

• Each correct MCQ answer will carry four mark while one negative mark will be there for each incorrect MCQ answer. There will be no deductions for unanswered or marked for review questions.

• In Numerical question, correct answer will give you four marks while no negative marking for incorrect answer.

Tie Breaker Policy

• For candidates obtaining equal NTA score, the JEE Main 2021 tie breaker policy will decide JEE Ranks. The subject wise priority list is given below:
→ First Mathematics
→ Second Physics
→ Third Chemistry
→ If two or more students score same marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry sections, then least number of negative answers will be taken into consideration.

JEE Main 2021 Exam Pattern for B.Arch students

SubjectNumber of QuestionsMarks Allotted
Mathematics Part I20 MCQs and 10 Numerical Questions100
Aptitude Test Part II50200
Drawing Test Part III02100
Total82 Questions400

• Part I contains 20 MCQs for each subject and contains 10 numerical questions for each subject out which 5 must be attempted by students. Aptitude Test (Part-II) will be held in Computer Based Test Mode only and Drawing Test (Part-III) in pen & paper (offline) mode, to be attempted on drawing sheet of A4 size.

• Each correct MCQ answer will carry four mark while one negative mark will be there for each incorrect MCQ answer. There will be no deductions for unanswered or marked for review questions.

• In Numerical question, correct answer will give you four marks while no negative marking for incorrect answer.

Tie Breaker Policy

• For candidates obtaining equal NTA score, the JEE Main 2021 tie breaker policy will decide JEE Ranks. The subject wise priority list is given below:
→ First Mathematics
→ Second Aptitude
→ Third Drawing
→ If two or more students score same marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry sections, then least number of negative answers will be taken into consideration.

JEE Main 2021 Exam Pattern for B.Plan students

SubjectNumber of QuestionsMarks Allotted
Mathematics Part I20 MCQs and 10 Numerical Questions100
Aptitude Test Part II50200
Planning Based Objective Type MCQs25100
Total105 Questions400

• Part I contains 20 MCQs for each subject and contains 10 numerical questions for each subject out which 5 must be attempted by students. Aptitude Test (Part-II) and Planning Based Objective Type (Part III) will be held in Computer Based Test Mode only.

• Each correct MCQ answer will carry four mark while one negative mark will be there for each incorrect MCQ answer. There will be no deductions for unanswered or marked for review questions.

• In Numerical question, correct answer will give you four marks while no negative marking for incorrect answer.

• For candidates obtaining equal NTA score, the JEE Main 2021 tie breaker policy will decide JEE Ranks. The subject wise priority list is given below:
→ First Mathematics
→ Second Aptitude
→ Third Planning Based MCQs
→ If two or more students score same marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry sections, then least number of negative answers will be taken into consideration.

JEE Main 2021 Syllabus for B.E/ B.Tech students

Mathematics Syllabus

Sets, Relations, and FunctionsMathematical InductionIntegral CalculusVectoral Algebra
Complex Numbers and Quadratic EquationsBinomial Theorem and Its Simple ApplicationsDifferential EquationsStatistics and Probability
Matrices and DeterminantsSequences and SeriesCoordinate GeometryTrigonometry
Permutations and CombinationsLimit Continuity, and DifferentiabilityThree Dimensional GeometryMathematical Reasoning

Physics Syllabus

Physics and MeasurementsThermodynamicsElectromagnetic Waves
KinematicsKinetic Theory of GasesOptics
Laws of MotionOscillations and WavesDual Nature of Matter and Radiation
Work, Energy, and PowerElectrostaticsAtoms and Nuclei
Rotational MotionCurrent ElectricityElectronic Devices
GravitationMagnetic Effects of Current and MagnetismCommunication Systems
Properties of Solids and LiquidsElectromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents-

Chemistry Syllabus

Section A: Physical Chemistry
Some Basic Concepts in ChemistryChemical ThermodynamicsChemical Kinetics
States of MatterSolutionsSurface Chemistry
Atomic StructureEquilibrium-
Chemical Bonding and Molecular StructureRedox Reactions and Electrochemistry-
Section C: Organic Chemistry
Section B: Inorganic Chemistry
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesBlock Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals)Coordination Compounds
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of MetalsP-Block ElementsEnvironmental Chemistry
Hydrogend-and-f Block Elements-
Section C: Organic Chemistry
Purification and Characterization of Organic CompoundsOrganic Compounds Containing OxygenChemistry In Everyday Life
Some Basic Principles of Organic ChemistryOrganic Compounds Containing NitrogenPrinciples Related to Practical Chemistry
Organic Compounds Containing HalogensBiomolecules-

JEE Main 2021 Syllabus for B.Arch/ B.Plan students

Part IAwareness of persons, places, Buildings, Materials. Objects, Texture related to Architecture and build—environment. Visualising three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawings. Visualizing. different sides of three-dimensional objects. Analytical Reasoning Mental Ability (Visual, Numerical and Verbal).
Part IIThree dimensional - perception: Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportion of objects, building forms, and elements, color texture, harmony and contrast. Design and drawing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pencil. Transformation of forms both 2 D and 3 D union, subtraction, rotation, development of surfaces and volumes, Generation of Plan, elevations and 3 D views of objects. Creating two dimensional and three-dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms.

Sketching of scenes and activities from memory of urbanscape (public space, market, festivals, street scenes, monuments, recreational spaces, ect.), landscape (river fronts, jungles, trees, plants, etc.) and rural life.

Drawing Test Syllabus for B. Arch Paper

• Drawing and Designing of geometrical or abstract shapes & patterns in pencil
• Transformation of forms both 2D and 3D union
• Elevation and 3D views of objects rotation
• Development of Surfaces and Volumes
• Generation of Plan
• Creating 2D & 3D compositions using given shapes and forms
• Sketching of activities from memory of urban scenes

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