NCERT Revision Notes for Chapter 5 Yoga Class 11 Physical Education
Topics in the Chapter- Meaning and importance of Yoga
- Elements of Yoga
- Introduction of of asanas, Pranayama, Dhyana & Yogic Kriyas Asanas related to meditation - Sukhasana, Tadasana, Padmasana and Shanshakasana
- Relaxation techniques to improve concentration -Yog Nidra
Meaning of Yoga
• Yoga is word derived form a Sanskrit word "Yuj' meaning to join or union. Yoga is defined as joining the individual self with the divine or universal spirit.
• It is a science of development of man's Consciousness.
• Yoga is ancient Indian Practice. The definition of Yoga given according to the different ancient Philosophers are given as under:
→ Patanjali - “Checking the impulse of mind is yoga”
→ Maharishi Ved Vyas - “Yoga is attaining the pose”’
→ Lord Krishna (as quoted in Bhagwat Gita), “Skill in action or efficiency alone is yoga.”
Importance of Yoga
Elements of Yoga
The main aim of yoga is to control over the mind. This is Possible only follow to eight fold Paths or eight steps also know as "Ashtang Yoga”. This system was Develop by Maharashi Patanjali.
Introduction to Asanas, Pranayam, meditation & yogic Kriyas
• Asana: According to Patanjali Means "Sthiram Sukham Asanam" i.e. that possible which is comfortable and steady."
• Pranayama: The word Pranayama is comprised of two words "Prana Plus Ayama" Prana means life force and Ayama means control. In this way pranayama means "The control or regulation of Prana".
• Meditation: Meditation or Dhyana is a process of Complete Constancy of Mind. It is a prior stage of samadhi.
• Yogic Kriya/Shudhi Kriya: Yogic Kriya Cleansing techniques that cleanses Various internal as well as external organs of the body. There are six yogic kriyas also known as “Shatkarmas”.
Body Related Benefits of Asanas and Pranayams
• Improve Concentration Power
• Reduce Fatigue
• Improve Function Heart and digestive System
• Improve Breathing System
• Increase Flexibility
• Correct Body Posture
• Rehabilation of Injuries
• Activate All Body System
• Improve Overall Health
Yoga for Concentration and Related Asanas
→ Yoga works on changing our internal make-up.
→ According to a recent study conducted at the university of Ellinois at Urbana, Champaign, practicing
→ Yoga daily for 20 minutes can improve brain function and actually focus better on daily task at hand.
→ Yoga helps to improve concentration and focus by calming the mind and getting rid of distracting thoughts.
→ Here are 5 eassiest effective Yoga asanas you need to try to boost concept rating and jump start your brain.
• Tadasana (Mountain posa)
• Vrikshasana (Trace pose)
• Savasana (Corpse pose)
• Padmasana (Lotus pose)
• Bhramari Pranayama
Tadasana (Mountain Posa)
→ This asana is considered as base or the mother of all asanas, from within the other asanas emerge.
→ Tadasana increases the levels of oxygen in the spinal cord and frontal part of the brain.
→ It improves concentration and boosts energy.
Word Meaning of Tadasana
→ ‘Tada’ is sanskrit word, which meaning is ‘palm tree’, another meaning is mountain and meaning of asana is posture or ‘seal’ so this asana is called Tadasana.
→ According to Ashtang Yoga, Tadasana has been said as beginning and ending asana of Surya Namaskar.
→ It is also known as easy sitting pose.
→ It is one of the simplest pose for meditation suited for all beginners.
→ Sukhasana comes from the Sanskrit work ‘Sukham' which can mean ‘comfort’, 'easy’, ‘joyful’.
→ It can be done by all age group of People.
→ The Sanskrit home for Hare pose is Shashankasana. The meaning of ‘Shashank’ is moon.
→ Shashank itself is made up of two words ‘shash’ meaning ‘hare, and ‘ank’ meaning ‘lap’.
→ The Shashankasana pose is said to benefit the practitioners by helping in calming the nerves and providing a feeling of tranquility.
→ The Shashanksaha is similar to a sitting hare. It has derived its name from here.
Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
Word Meaning of Padmasana
→ Padmasana is a Sanskrit word which means "lotus flower" so it's also known as the "Lotus pose".
→ It is so called because of the lotus- like formation which made by our legs during this asana.
→ Another name of Padmasana is "kamalasan". The word Kamal is a hindi word which means a lotus flower.
→ It is a yogic exercise in which one crosses the legs while maintaining a straight posture.
→ It is an important position for meditation.
Yog Nindra
→ A yoga routine provides deep restoration to your body and the mind.
→ It's ideal to end your yoga sequence with yoga nidra (yogic sleep) In yoga nidra, we consciously take our attention to different parts of the body and relax them.
→ Simply described as effortless relaxation, yoga nidra is an essential end to any yoga pose sequence. Yoga postures 'warm up' the body; yoga nidra ‘cools it down'.
→ Yoga practices increase the energy levels in the body.
→ Yoga Nidra helps conserve and consolidate this energy and relax the entire system, preparing it for pranayama and meditation.
→ It is therefore, important to keep aside sufficient time for yoga nidra after yoga postures.