Extra Questions for Class 10th: Ch 3 Water Resources Social Studies (S.St) Important Questions Answer Included
Very Short Answer Questions (VSAQs):Answer
Sardar Sarovar Dam
2. Name two Environmental movements which were against the multi-purpose projects.
2. Name two Environmental movements which were against the multi-purpose projects.
Narmada Bachao Andolan and Tehri Dam Andolan.
3. What percentage of the total volume of world’s water is estimated to exist as oceans?
3. What percentage of the total volume of world’s water is estimated to exist as oceans?
4. Who proclaimed dams as the temple of modern India?
4. Who proclaimed dams as the temple of modern India?
Jawaharlal Nehru.
5. Which river is known as the ‘River of Sorrow’?
5. Which river is known as the ‘River of Sorrow’?
Damodar River.
6. On which river ‘Bhakhra Nangal Dam’ has been constructed?
6. On which river ‘Bhakhra Nangal Dam’ has been constructed?
River Satluj.
7. On which river has the Hirakud Dam been constructed?
River Mahanadi.
8. What is a Dam?
A dam is a barrier across flowing water.
Short Answer Questions (SAQs):
1. Mention any four main objectives of multipurpose river valley projects. Name any two Multipurpose Projects of India.
Four main objectives of multipurpose river valley projects are-
• For irrigational activities.
• To generate hydroelectricity.
• To control flood.
• For recreation
Two multipurpose projects are Bhakhra nangal project and Hirakud project.
2. Why did Jawaharlal Nehru proclaim the dams as the “temples of modern India”? Explain any three reasons.
Jawaharlal Nehru proclaimed the dams as the “temples of modern India” because:
• It would integrate development of agriculture and the village economy.
• Provide hydroelectricity for houses and industries.
• They eliminate or reduce flooding.
3. What does the Qualitative scarcity of water mean?
The qualitative scarcity of water means bad Quality of water due to industrial waste and impurities due to chemical fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture which makes water hazardous for human use.
Long Answer Questions (LAQs):
1. How have intensive industrialization and urbanization posed a great pressure on existing fresh water resources in India. Explain.
• Large scale industrialisation and urbanisation have posed a great pressure on existing fresh water resources as many multinational companies are being set up in India who are the heavy consumers of water for processing, discharge of effluents and as an energy resource.
• Hydroelectricity produced for industrial units have not only posed a great threat to the availability of fresh water resources but also contributed to bad quality of water with large growing number of urban centres and population.
• Modern lifestyle of the urban people has created more demand for water both for domestic purposes and increased consumption of energy.
• In housing colonies to meet the needs of population, water resources are over-exploited resulting in depletion of ground water resources.
• Fresh water needs to be protected from industrial pollution and wastage of water in cities.
2. Explain any three reasons responsible for water scarcity in India?
Water is available in abundance in India even then scarcity of water is experienced in major parts of the country. Explain it with four examples.
• The availability of water resources varies over space and time, mainly due to the variations in seasonal and annual precipitation.
• Over-exploitation, excessive use and unequal access to water among different social groups.
• Water scarcity may be an outcome of large and growing population and consequent greater demands for water. A large population means more water to produce more food. Hence, to facilitate higher food-grain production, water resources are being over exploited to expand irrigated areas for dry-season agriculture.
• Most farmers have their own wells and tubewells in their farms for irrigation to increase their production. But it may lead to falling groundwater levels, adversely affecting water availability and food security of the people. Thus, inspite of abundant water there is water scarcity.