Download Previous Year Question Paper of CBSE Board Exam English Language and Literature Class 10th Summative Assessment II 2016
Time allowed: 3 HoursMaximum marks: 70
General Instructions:
(i) The question paper is divided into three sections:
Section A: Reading 20 marks
Section B: Writing & Grammar 25 marks
Section C: Literature 25 marks
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) You may attempt any section at a time.
(iv) All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
Section - A
(Reading) 20 marks
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : 1x8=8
If you are addicted to coffee, and doctors warn you to quit the habit, don't worry and just keep relishing the beverage, because it's not that bad after all ! In fact, according to a new study, the steaming cup of Java can beat fruits and vegetables as the primary source of antioxidants. Some studies state that coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in American diet and both caffeinated and decaf versions appear to provide similar antioxidant levels.
Antioxidants in general have been linked to a number of potential health benefits, including protection against heart diseases and cancer, but Sandra Vinson, a dietitian said that their benefits ultimately depend on how they are absorbed and utilized in the body. The research says that coffee outranks popular antioxidant sources like tea, milk, chocolate and cranberries. Of all the foods and beverages studies, dates actually have the most antioxidants based solely on serving size, but since dates are not consumed anywhere near the level of coffee, the drink comes as the top source of antioxidants, Vinson said.
Besides keeping you alert and awake, coffee has been linked to an increasing number of potential health benefits, including protection against liver and colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson's disease, according to some recently published studies.
The researchers, however, advise that one should consume coffee in moderation, because it can make you jittery and cause stomach pains.
(a) Why do doctors advise us about the habit of drinking coffee ? 1
(b) What are the two versions of coffee that are drunk in America ? 1
(c) State any two benefits of antioxidants. 1
(d) What does Vinson say about the consumption of antioxidants ? 1
(e) Name any two popular sources of antioxidants. 1
(f) How does coffee outrank dates in the level of antioxidants ? 1
(g) Mention any two benefits of coffee. 1
(h) What do researchers warn us about the excessive use of coffee ? 1
If you are addicted to coffee, and doctors warn you to quit the habit, don't worry and just keep relishing the beverage, because it's not that bad after all ! In fact, according to a new study, the steaming cup of Java can beat fruits and vegetables as the primary source of antioxidants. Some studies state that coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in American diet and both caffeinated and decaf versions appear to provide similar antioxidant levels.
Antioxidants in general have been linked to a number of potential health benefits, including protection against heart diseases and cancer, but Sandra Vinson, a dietitian said that their benefits ultimately depend on how they are absorbed and utilized in the body. The research says that coffee outranks popular antioxidant sources like tea, milk, chocolate and cranberries. Of all the foods and beverages studies, dates actually have the most antioxidants based solely on serving size, but since dates are not consumed anywhere near the level of coffee, the drink comes as the top source of antioxidants, Vinson said.
Besides keeping you alert and awake, coffee has been linked to an increasing number of potential health benefits, including protection against liver and colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson's disease, according to some recently published studies.
The researchers, however, advise that one should consume coffee in moderation, because it can make you jittery and cause stomach pains.
(a) Why do doctors advise us about the habit of drinking coffee ? 1
(b) What are the two versions of coffee that are drunk in America ? 1
(c) State any two benefits of antioxidants. 1
(d) What does Vinson say about the consumption of antioxidants ? 1
(e) Name any two popular sources of antioxidants. 1
(f) How does coffee outrank dates in the level of antioxidants ? 1
(g) Mention any two benefits of coffee. 1
(h) What do researchers warn us about the excessive use of coffee ? 1
2. Read the following passage carefully : 12
Gandhiji As a Fund Raiser
1. Gandhiji was an incurable and irresistible fund raiser. He found special relish in getting jewellery from women. Ranibala of Burdwan was ten years old. One day she was playing with Gandhiji. He explained to her that her bangles were too heavy for her delicate little wrists. She removed the bangles and gave them away to Gandhiji.
2. Ho used to talk jokingly to small girls and created distaste for ornaments and created a desire in them to part with the jewellery for the sake of the poor. He motivated them to donate their jewellery for social usage.
3. Kasturbai didn't appreciate this habit of Gandhiji. Once she stated calmly, 'You don't wear jewels, it is easy for you to get around the boys. But what about our daughter-in-law. They would surely want them.
4. Gandhiji put in mildly, "our children are young and when they grow up they will not surely choose wives who are fond of wearing jewellery". Kasturbai was very upset with the answer.
5. Gandhiji was determined to keep the jewels to raise community fund. Ho was of the opinion that a public worker should accept no costly gifts. He believed that he should not own anything costly, whether given or earned. Kasturbai was a female with a desire to adorn. But Gandhiji moved towards renunciation and donated every penny earned in South Africa to the trustees for the service of South African Indians.
2.1 Answer the questions given below : 2x4=8
(a) How did Gandhiji create a distaste for jewellery in Ranibala ?
(b) What was Kasturbai's apprehension about their daughters-in-law ?
(c) What solution did Gandhiji suggest for the problem posed by Kasturbai ?
(d) How did Gandhiji serve the community ?
Gandhiji As a Fund Raiser
1. Gandhiji was an incurable and irresistible fund raiser. He found special relish in getting jewellery from women. Ranibala of Burdwan was ten years old. One day she was playing with Gandhiji. He explained to her that her bangles were too heavy for her delicate little wrists. She removed the bangles and gave them away to Gandhiji.
2. Ho used to talk jokingly to small girls and created distaste for ornaments and created a desire in them to part with the jewellery for the sake of the poor. He motivated them to donate their jewellery for social usage.
3. Kasturbai didn't appreciate this habit of Gandhiji. Once she stated calmly, 'You don't wear jewels, it is easy for you to get around the boys. But what about our daughter-in-law. They would surely want them.
4. Gandhiji put in mildly, "our children are young and when they grow up they will not surely choose wives who are fond of wearing jewellery". Kasturbai was very upset with the answer.
5. Gandhiji was determined to keep the jewels to raise community fund. Ho was of the opinion that a public worker should accept no costly gifts. He believed that he should not own anything costly, whether given or earned. Kasturbai was a female with a desire to adorn. But Gandhiji moved towards renunciation and donated every penny earned in South Africa to the trustees for the service of South African Indians.
2.1 Answer the questions given below : 2x4=8
(a) How did Gandhiji create a distaste for jewellery in Ranibala ?
(b) What was Kasturbai's apprehension about their daughters-in-law ?
(c) What solution did Gandhiji suggest for the problem posed by Kasturbai ?
(d) How did Gandhiji serve the community ?
2.2 Find meanings of the words given below from the options that follow : 1x4=4
(e) incurable (Para 1)
(i) unreliable
(ii) untreatable
(iii) disagreeable
(iv) unbeatable
(b) motivated (Para 2)
(i) encouraged
(ii) emboldened
(iii) incited
(iv) softened
(g) upset (Para 4)
(i) puzzled
(ii) furious
(iii) confused
(iv) distressed
(h) renunciation (Para 5)
(i) giving up
(ii) disagreement
(iii) opposition
(iv) termination
SECTION B – (Writing and Grammar ) 25 marks
3. Your locality has witnessed a number of cases of theft in recent weeks. The local law and order authorities were approached but you find no change in the situation. Write a letter in 100.120 words to the editor of a local newspaper drawing attention of the higher authorities to the problem. You are Ram/Rama 4, Gobind Road, Meerut. 5
4. Write a story in 150.200 words based on the clues given below : A boy was playing in the park. He saw a small sparrow sitting on a stone. He went near it, still it didn't fly. He... 10
5. Road the paragraph given below. Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blanks numbers. Do not copy the whole passage. 1x3=3
Kingfisher is (a) __________ beautiful bird with
attractive colours. It (b) _________ found near lakes,
river, canals (c) _________ ponds.
(a) (i) a (ii) an (iii) the (iv) such a
(b) (i) are (ii) am (iii) is (iv) has
(c) (i) and (ii) but (iii) so (iv) or
6. In the following paragraph one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along the word before and the word after against the correct blank number. 1x4=4
Before Missing word After
A large part India's population is (a) _______ _________ _______
illiterate. Illiteracy is biggest evil (b) _______ _________ _______
of the Indian society. Removal illiteracy (c) _______ _________ _______
is necessary an all-round development of (d) _______ _________ _______
the country.
7. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences as given in the example. 1x4=4
Example : curse / a / illiteracy / is /.
Illiteracy is a curse.
(a) illiterate / remain / the / and / backward / poor / people /.
(b) easily / by / they / cheated / are / others /.
(c) our / it is / to help / moral duty / to become / literate / everyone /.
(a) Who is T ?
(b) Why was 'I' beaten up ?
(c) What does the word, 'victim' mean ?
Write an article in 100.120 words on 'Use of Technology in Education' for your school magazine. You are Ram/Rama.4. Write a story in 150.200 words based on the clues given below : A boy was playing in the park. He saw a small sparrow sitting on a stone. He went near it, still it didn't fly. He... 10
You were playing cricket in a park. Suddenly you saw an old man, just collapsing on the pavement. You all rushed to him .5. Road the paragraph given below. Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blanks numbers. Do not copy the whole passage. 1x3=3
Kingfisher is (a) __________ beautiful bird with
attractive colours. It (b) _________ found near lakes,
river, canals (c) _________ ponds.
(a) (i) a (ii) an (iii) the (iv) such a
(b) (i) are (ii) am (iii) is (iv) has
(c) (i) and (ii) but (iii) so (iv) or
Before Missing word After
A large part India's population is (a) _______ _________ _______
illiterate. Illiteracy is biggest evil (b) _______ _________ _______
of the Indian society. Removal illiteracy (c) _______ _________ _______
is necessary an all-round development of (d) _______ _________ _______
the country.
7. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences as given in the example. 1x4=4
Example : curse / a / illiteracy / is /.
Illiteracy is a curse.
(a) illiterate / remain / the / and / backward / poor / people /.
(b) easily / by / they / cheated / are / others /.
(c) our / it is / to help / moral duty / to become / literate / everyone /.
(Literature / Textbooks and Long Reading Text) 25 marks
8. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: 1 x3=3
I had to go to dirty and shadowy corners of the city to seek out my victims. Some of the larger and more self - confident ones even beat me up.(a) Who is T ?
(b) Why was 'I' beaten up ?
(c) What does the word, 'victim' mean ?
At about the age of twenty-five, the Prince, heretofore shielded from sufferings of the wnrld, while nut. hunting chanced upon a sick man, then an aged man, then a funeral procession and finally a monk begging for alms.
(a) Name the Prince.
(b) What are the sights of sufferings that the Prince saw ? (Any 2)
(c) Give the meaning of the word, 'shielded'.
9. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each : 2x4=8
(a) What game did Mij invent ?
(b) Why does Chubukov suspect Lomov when he comes to his house ?
(c) Why was Mme Loisel always unhappy ?
(d) Why was Sulekha nicknamed Bholi ?
10. Answer the following question in 80-100 words : 4
Neighbours must have a cordial relationship which Lomov and Natalya do not have. Describe the first fight between them.
(a) Name the Prince.
(b) What are the sights of sufferings that the Prince saw ? (Any 2)
(c) Give the meaning of the word, 'shielded'.
9. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each : 2x4=8
(a) What game did Mij invent ?
(b) Why does Chubukov suspect Lomov when he comes to his house ?
(c) Why was Mme Loisel always unhappy ?
(d) Why was Sulekha nicknamed Bholi ?
10. Answer the following question in 80-100 words : 4
Neighbours must have a cordial relationship which Lomov and Natalya do not have. Describe the first fight between them.
It is morally incorrect to invade another country/planet for one's own benefit. The Martians did not understand the value of peaceful coexistence. How did the book of nursery rhymes save the Earth from the Martian invasion ? 11. Answer the following in 150-200 words : 10
What are Helen's views about the works of Shakespeare ?
What are Helen's views about the works of Shakespeare ?
Draw a pen portrait of Martha Washington.OR
What caused the quarrel between Anne and her mother on 2" April, 1943 ?OR
Write a character sketch of Mrs Van Daan.View Solution
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